Overhead Page & Intercom Systems Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN
Overhead Page Systems or Intercoms have many applications and are used at many different businesses and schools. When there is a need to communicate with others and a telephone is not the solution, Page or Intercom Systems are used.
These systems can be set up to be zoned, handsfree with talkback, door box communication and in school gymnasiums, plus many other applications. Background music can be played and will cut out when a page announcement is made.
Manufacturing facilities require overhead speakers for announcements. It may be an emergency or a regular announcement. Pre-programmed announcements are even available!
Schools, manufacturing facilities, warehouses and related businesses have a need for timed sounds (bells, buzzers, etc.) for breaks, start/stop times, etc. Central Telephone provides these components that connect to overhead page systems.
Overhead page systems, intercom systems, door box communication systems can be incorporated into a business telephone system or used as a stand-alone system. Let the consultants at Central Telephone Sales and Service help you design the proper system for you.