

Posts Tagged 'VOiP'

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Essential Troubleshooting for Small Business Phones

Business phones are well known for being user friendly, but the event of a technical difficulty can oftentimes leave a business in the dark. However, it should be mentioned that most technical issues can be corrected without calling in a repair person or using tools on your equipment. With this being said, we're going to cover a few simple business phone troubleshooting issues and how they can be corrected in minutes.

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Cloud-based versus Premise-based VOIP: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to protecting our families, most of us would do just about anything. But even when you’re cautious, break-ins can occur. In most cases, they can happen when you least expect them, and even simple burglaries can put your family’s safety at risk.

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VoIP Analytics: Evaluating Your Phone System's Performance

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) gives business owners the ability to communicate over the Internet using versatile communication technology. VoIP equipment can be used to replace your old phone system or integrate with your current phone system with relative ease. Central Telephone can show you the features and benefits of VoIP technology and how to use it for your company. Contact us today for an initial consultation. We can answer all your questions and help you get started.

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How Switching to a VoIP System Can Help Your Business

Modern business and the technology that accompanies is growing and changing at an unprecedented rate. While growth is good, it can also present challenges in key business areas such as telephone communications, remote access, Wi-Fi network, P2P media and audio interface, and numerous telephone and messaging tools.

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Should You Integrate VoIP Gradually or All At Once?

Since its inception, VoIP has been heavily touted as the answer that small businesses and large corporations have been looking for to simplify their phone system while saving thousands of dollars in daily communication usage.

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How VoIP Will Alter Your Company Workflow

The larger your company grows, the more difficult it becomes to change how you do things. When you do decide to implement new systems, strategies, or practices within the workforce, the transition has to be smooth and streamlined.

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How to Correct the Jitter in Your VoIP

VoIP is an affordable and simplified solution for your company’s communication system. Instead of using regular phone lines, you can utilize VoIP via an Internet connection. VoIP takes analog signals and converts them into digital data packets that travel to the receiver on the other end of the phone line. Occasionally. These packets of information can travel on divergent paths and get mixed up or dropped en route. When this happens, it is known as jitter. Central Telephone in Plymouth, Minnesota can analyze the causes of VoIP jitter and improve your system's performance so that it doesn’t happen.

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VoIP Home Wiring: Tips & Tricks

Many individuals have made the switch to VoIP for their home phone connections to meet the needs of their family or at home business. However, this can only be done if the wiring from your street or telecom are disconnected beforehand. So before we move forward, it's important understand that if you're not 100% sure as to how to properly install or identify the listed parts and equipment equipment below, skip to the bottom for further assistance.

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