

Posts Tagged ' Cloud-Based Phone System'

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Why Hire a Professional to Relocate your Small Business Phone System?

Your small business is moving! What an exciting time. There are desks to clean up, paperwork to pack up, so much to put in order… but have you even thought about your small business phone system? It probably has been the last thing on your to-do list. You’re probably busy briefing your employees, not to mention tracking down the various companies that facilitate a move and going over your numbers.

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VoIP Analytics: Evaluating Your Phone System's Performance

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) gives business owners the ability to communicate over the Internet using versatile communication technology. VoIP equipment can be used to replace your old phone system or integrate with your current phone system with relative ease. Central Telephone can show you the features and benefits of VoIP technology and how to use it for your company. Contact us today for an initial consultation. We can answer all your questions and help you get started.

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How Switching to a VoIP System Can Help Your Business

Modern business and the technology that accompanies is growing and changing at an unprecedented rate. While growth is good, it can also present challenges in key business areas such as telephone communications, remote access, Wi-Fi network, P2P media and audio interface, and numerous telephone and messaging tools.

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Should You Integrate VoIP Gradually or All At Once?

Since its inception, VoIP has been heavily touted as the answer that small businesses and large corporations have been looking for to simplify their phone system while saving thousands of dollars in daily communication usage.

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How VoIP Will Alter Your Company Workflow

The larger your company grows, the more difficult it becomes to change how you do things. When you do decide to implement new systems, strategies, or practices within the workforce, the transition has to be smooth and streamlined.

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5 Steps To Relocating Your Business Communication System

Relocating your communication system can be a daunting task. There are several things you need to consider including hiring the right company to help you. Central Telephone can eliminate the difficulty involved with moving your business communication system and make your move in Minnesota seamless. Here are five way we can help make your transition smoother:

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Should You Totally Replace Your Digital Phone System?

Many businesses are switching from digital phones to VoIP systems. VoIPs have several advantages over digital phone services. Upgrading your system allows you to utilize fewer cables and simplify the network. With VoIP systems, you only need to connect a phone, an ethernet connection, and a computer. Digital phones require cables for both voice and data. At Central Telephone, we will upgrade your communication system’s efficiency by adding high-level wiring solutions to accommodate your business.

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