If you have ever been involved in a business move, you can understand the myriad of logistical details that must be addressed. Office furniture, files, computers, copiers and telephone systems must all be transplanted into a new location with minimal disruption to daily operations. Customers rely on your company to provide the services you offer, and down-time results in lost revenue for you and inconvenience for your clients.


With the complexity involved in such moves, it is essential to have the appropriate infrastructure in place if you are to preclude delays or complications. With our technicians working ahead of your move, pre-wiring the new location and preparing everything for seamless integration, the relocation truly becomes a ‘Plug-n-Play’ exercise. Even if you are just moving or adding a single employee, their workstation will be fully functional the moment they take a seat at the helm. Fast and reliable service is something we take pride in.


Scheduling both phone system relocation and the actual office move itself may seem like a considerable juggling act, but we can alleviate at least one half of that equation. Our work is planned around your schedule – simply contact us ahead of time with the details of your timeline and we will coordinate the necessary services for your relocation. No job is too big or too small. We have moved entire corporations, and we have moved desktop communications from one side of the office to another.


Central Telephone Sales and Service provides continuity of business communications through our vast selection of advanced equipment and our capable, competent staff of technicians. With exceptional client support, training and the flexibility to get the job done in a timely manner, we ensure that our clients are well-versed in the hardware they own and able to maximize the potential benefits of their investment.