Throughout the decades, phone services have always been known for reliability. However, many confuse reliability with simplicity. So with voice services being more complex than they seem, it's safe to say that switching out a phone system is no different. Thankfully, we're going to cover some of common mistakes that occur when replacing a phone system.
● Assessing A New System
Many services simply want to swipe out an old service with a new one and keep the main features that they've grown so reliant on. However, the phone system industry has evolved quite a bit in the past few years to meet the increasing needs and demands for communication. This is where assessing comes in, as assessing is what covers the technical and professional requirements needed to help business run swiftly. Assessing can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your system and realize what is capable with your new technology. At Central Telephone we take care of this for you, making sure you receive the perfect system for your needs.
● Assuming All Phones Carry The Same Features
Although some features are a given on your phone system (such as a hold function), many newer capabilities have been created to help make your job easier. Educating yourself (and your employees) on these new features is essential so that they can be utilized properly by your staff. If you still feel as if there are a few gray areas in regards to these features, feel free to let staff experiment and provide feedback on what works best for professional communication.
● Not Letting Users In On The Switch
Whenever a phone system is selected by individuals who are not using them, the results can be problematic. For example: If the IT department decides on the phones that employees use, the phones could be too technical or complicated for the employees to use. However, involving your users with the decision process can make everything easier for all parties involved. This clarification beforehand makes it easier to assess what's necessary to conduct business smoothly.
● Skimping On Phone System User Training
Although many businesses have ditched the classroom training procedures and went straight for train-the-trainer or webinar options, the phone users are the ones who end up shortchanged. Given the wide range of functions available for your employees, what use are they if your employees don't know how to operate them? So in order to avoid this conundrum with your staff (and how they help you conduct business), training them properly can allow them to use your phone to its full potential.
So considering the issues that could occur after a phone system replacement, it's important that you can have a service you can rely on. Thankfully, Central Telephone Sales and Service is here at your service. Contact them us today to ensure a smooth integration of your new phone system at 763-550-2000.