Moving your company to a new location is not only an enormous project, but also a period of worry: Will your customers understand the move? Will they follow you to a new place? Will you be able to get new customers? To help answer these questions, here are a few quality tips on how to make sure your move goes as smoothly as possible.

Let Your Customers Know What's Going On

It's common sense to let your customers know that you are planning on a move – you need them to find you afterwards! As soon as you have a move-in date confirmed, let your customers know your plans and keep them updated as your new opening day draws near. The easiest way to do this is with an email list. However, you should also post regular updates on social media to gain more visibility. A mailer campaign may also be a good idea, depending on your customer demographics.

Update All Your Online Information

Speaking of social media and email, it's important that you update your online information as soon as possible. This includes your Google business profile, your social media profiles, and anywhere that you put your address or contact information online. This will help your local SEO, and is vital for mobile users and others to know where your new location is. The last thing you want is for customers to head out to your old location after you have already moved!

Let Your Telecom Company Help Out

Switching your communication and phone services over to a new location can be a hassle...if you try to do it by yourself. Take a look at your local telecom company and see if they have any services that you can use to help make your move smoother. An advantage of local telecom representatives is that they may be able to offer transition packages or help that large corporations cannot provide. It's worthwhile to make communication easier during your big move.

Create a Special Deal or Event

There's a reason that so many businesses have a new grand opening when they move. It helps increase excitement, it introduces the location to customers, and it draws the attention of those who otherwise may not realize that you moved at all. Try to make a plan for a discount, event, or deal to celebrate!

Pick a Smart Moving Schedule

The common bit of advice here is to move your business over the weekend so that you are ready to start up again on Monday. Of course, this depends on the size of the business and when you get started, but planning most of the moving schedule over a weekend is a good idea.

Give Yourself Extra Time

No matter how the moving process goes, you'll need extra time. Schedule in more time than you need to deal with all the little surprises along the way!