5G—as does anything that’s denoted in two letters, it sounds mysterious, powerful, and sure, maybe a bit scary. As a small business, you work hard to stay on top of things, technology included; with this big change sweeping that field, can you maintain your communication systems and profit margins alike?
Central Telephone is here to take the “scary” out of 5G. As telephone system professionals, adjusting to the various twists and turns of the industry is just part of our job description, after all!
Read on to learn a little more about 5G: what it is and what your business needs to do should you choose to adopt it or not.
5G Basics
To vastly simplify, 5G is what’s next when it comes to cellular connection. When cellular providers invest in the antennas that are required for it, it will enable much quicker speeds than 4G LTE could ever dream of being capable of.
5G is still relatively in its infancy and hasn’t been widely adopted. But when it is, lightning-quick downloading times mean that your business better be ready to turn up the speed.
What Do I Need to Do to Prepare for 5G’s Adoption?
As we said, this technology is still young, and the jury’s out on how it will be used in a business context, or if it will become a norm in that sense at all. However, one thing is safe to say: As time marches on and communication speeds get faster and faster, your business will need well-oiled technological infrastructure to compensate.
In other words: you’ll need an upgraded small business phone system from Central Telephone.
Invest in Communication Technology That Fits Your Business
Communicating with customers or other businesses shouldn’t add to your company’s workload. Your business phone system should make this as seamless as speaking aloud. To keep up with customers who expect 5G speeds, it’s a necessity!
Every business has different workflows and in turn, different communication needs. What doubles efficiency for one may cut it in half for another. That’s why we at Central Telephone are committed to providing you the technology that helps your company shine in its own unique way. Whether it’s with an on-premise phone system or a cloud phone system, we’ll help you stay up-to-date and relevant, helping you to provide great customer service.
Overhaul Your Communication System With Central Telephone
We’d be proud to be the provider of business phone system services that helps your team leap into the future. Give our Plymouth office a call today at 763-550-2000.