Poor cell service is a big concern for many businesses and multi-family buildings. When your business is effectively cut off from the outside world in certain areas of the building due to a weak or spotty cell connection, getting anything done on the fly becomes very challenging, if not impossible. And when it comes to tenants, nothing is more frustrating than only being able to connect with loved ones in certain spaces near their homes!

Central Telephone is here to help fix these problems – and to stop them from ever happening again. In addition to business phone systems, we’re also experts in fixing cellular connection problems with the help of one key device: distributed antenna systems, or DAS for short.

Could this be the solution to your business’s or apartment building’s cellular service issues? While a consultation with us is the only way to be 100% sure, as a distributed antenna system company, we’re happy to provide you with some information on the product.

Distributed Antenna Systems

We’ve got a whole webpage set up on DAS systems, If you’re looking for an in-depth discussion of this revolutionary technology, here’s a link!

For introductory purposes, distributed antenna systems essentially pick up existing cellular coverage, amplify it, and better distribute it. This eliminates spotty areas for good.

With more consistent coverage areas, your tenants or workers can use cellular service to make calls, browse the web, or do whatever they need to do – in areas they otherwise couldn’t.

Does Your Business Need a Boost From DAS?

Your facility might be a good fit for this technology if any of the following apply.

You Have Many Cell Users in Your Facility

If you have a lot of workers in your facility or lots of tenants, even intermittently, it can result in slow and inefficient speeds. If you need quicker cell coverage for a larger number of people, investing in a distributed antenna system could be a solution.

Your Signal Is Spotty

Certain architectural features can prevent signals from reaching all of your users. We’ve all tried in vain to make a call in a below-ground parking garage! If your coverage just doesn’t extend where it needs to be due to external factors, a strategically installed distributed antenna system could help you, your workers, and/or your tenants to get the most out of the connective power of cell service.

Safety Is a Concern

Do you own an apartment complex in an area where crime rates are high? Are your workers frequently doing their jobs late at night? In either case, if cell service is spotty, you need a distributed antenna system for safety's sake. Many people rely on their cell phones to call for immediate help in an emergency, so make the ethical choice and don’t ever leave anyone in a dead zone.

Contact Central Telephone for Stress-Free DAS Installation

From small business phones to cellular networks, we’ve got solutions for all your communication-related needs. Give our Plymouth location a call today at 763-550-2000.