If you’ve ever relocated a business, you absolutely know how chaotic things can get. Informing your customers of your move, making sure everything is packed, calling this person and that person to secure your transportation needs, and more. The to-do list can seem endless. You don’t have time to worry about moving your communication and small business phone system, yet you probably know that these facets of your business are absolutely integral for getting anything done. Risk plugging it in wrong when you get there or lose a crucial wire along the way, and mass chaos can break out upon your arrival.


This is where Central Telephone comes in. Our talented team of Plymouth experts is familiar with everything from wiring solutions to network wiring services to more general business phone installation processes. We’ve got the know-how and the technical skills to make your relocation process a cinch.


Curious about exactly what a vendor of small business phone systems can do for your relocating company? We’ll explain further below.

We’re Here to Help Tame the Chaos

As we stated above, relocating is chaotic, no matter what industry you’re from. Central Telephone is here to make that process a little easier.


●        We’ll work ahead of your move | Once we’re aware of the details, we’ll get to work setting up your new office before move-in day. That way, once you arrive, all there is to do is plug the applicable devices in, and everything will be in order! This approach ensures that your small business phone system will be ready to go from day one and avoids days worth of downed communication systems.

●         We’ll work around your time requirements | We know how crazy relocating can be, and we’ll do everything we can to make it easier for you. Just give us a call ahead of time, and we’ll coordinate all the necessary servicemen, so we can take it from there. No matter the size of the job, we extend this courtesy to all of our clients.

●        We’re here to listen to you | We pride ourselves on our attentive, customer-focused way of doing business. At Central Telephone, we’re here to serve your small business phone system needs, and nobody knows what those are better than you do. We make it a point to get to the bottom of what you’re envisioning for your relocation process before taking action, an approach that allows us to provide top-quality service to each of our clients.


Need Help Relocating Your Small Business Phone System? Give Central Telephone a Call Today

Don’t delay; relocation day can creep up a lot quicker than you think. Contact Central Telephone now at 763-550-2000.